Wednesday, March 25, 2009

4 Competencies

  • Operate Word Processing Software
  • Operate Spreadsheet Application Software
  • Operate Presentation Package
  • Use Email and Search the Web Using Browsers

NTI Building

HRM work station

Computer Laboratory

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Graduates are envisioned to:
-Be equipped with multi-skills and international competencies and trainings.
-Be well-balanced individuals, efficient in customer and management relations, quality conscious and up-to-date with technological knowledge and skills.
-Be honed with developed personal, social and work values making them adaptive towards challenging work environment.
-Become an effective agent for the nation’s sustainable progress and development.


NTI is non-sectarian educational institution established to mold and developed God-given potentials making them wholly-desirable individuals. Promote and enhanced democratic system of education that leads away of becoming a well-rounded personality, faster an atmosphere of patrimony, commitment and full responsibility towards nation building.


•We commit to make NTI a powerhouse for multi-skilled, internationally competitive and highly moral institution that will contribute to the Filipino aspirations for excellence in technical educational training.